Born in 1936, David Gabriele Camele
was raised in the East Walnut Hills
neighborhood of Cincinnati; the third of
five children of Michelina de Blasio and
Giuseppe Camele, immigrants from
Bagnoli del Trigno in the Molise region
of Italy.
From 1942 to 1954, he attended
s.Francis de Sales Grade School and
Purcell [Marian] High School. From 1954
to 1959, he attended the Art Academy of
Cincinnati, the Yale-Norfolk Summer
School of Art in Connecticut, and s.John
University in Minnesota. He served in the
United States Marine Corps Reserve
from 1959 to 1964.
For years, Camele participated in
parish ministry at s.Columban Church in
Loveland. In 1976, he was ordained to the
Diaconate by the Archbishop of Cincinnati,
Joseph L. Bernardin.
Mary Ellen Brown and he were
married in 1960 at s.Andrew Church in
Cincinnati's Avondale. In 1962, they
moved to Loveland Ohio. Their children,
Catherine, Martha, Sarah, and John,
were raised and schooled there.
Camele worked part-time with artist/
designer William Schickel in Loveland
from 1955 to 1959. From 1959 to 1964,
he was an Associate at William Shickel
Design. He worked at the Cincinnati
architecture firm of Tweddell Wheeler
Strickland Beumer, AIA, 1964 to 1965.
In 1965, Camele began his own
design practice, working from home
as he would throughout his career. In
collaboration with architects, builders,
fabrication shops, photographers, and
printers, he produced an extensive
range of work.
Clients and patrons have included...
Abbey of Gethsemani
American Jewish Committee
Amity Unlimited
Archdiocese of Cincinnati
Architekton, AIA
Art Academy of Cincinnati
Athenaeum of Ohio
Banks Sales Associates
Beechmont Mall
Chapter XIII Tavern
Chicago Province of the Society of Jesus
Children's Meeting House Montessori School
Christ Episcopal Church
Christ the King Church
Chronis Construction Company
Church of the Redeemer
Cincinnati Art Museum
Cincinnati Police Division
Citizensbank NA
City of Cincinnati
City of Loveland
Clarence Rufus Jos. Rivers
David J. Joseph Company
Diem & Wing Paper Company
Diocese of Covington
Diocese of Southern Ohio
Donohoo Accountants
Economy Pattern and Castings Company
Fierro Incorporated
First Baptist Church
First Savings and Loan Association
Flomax Products
Flottemesch & Son Custom Woodwork
Franciscan Center
Friars Club
Gabrielle and Thomas Henskens
GBBN Architects and Planners, AIA
Geneva Otten and Dewey Steele
Gerald David Rape
Greenvalley Stores
Holistic Health Center of Cincinnati
Holy Family Church
Holy Trinity Church
Howard Ira Wells III
Immaculate Heart of Mary Church
Indian Hill Middle School
International Molders and Allied Workers Union
Isaac M. Wise Synagogue
J. Leo Klein, SJ
Jerry and Mary Morgenroth
Jesuit Community at Xavier University
Jim and Patti Morgenroth
John Bentley Landscape Architects
John Camele
Kate and Rick Arnold
Kees and Kallie Henskens
Loveland Firefighters Association
Lower Price Hill Community School
Lu and Roland Boike
Mariemont Board of Education
Martha Camele
Mattec Corporation
Mercy Center
Meyer-Vogelpohl Company
Michael J. Graham, SJ
Michelina and Adam Jessen
Milford Spiritual Center
Model Valley
Morgan Elementary School
Morgenroth Development Company
National Office for Black Catholics
Opportunity Village
Paul Henskens and Monika Jaumann
Phil's Fine Woodwork
Presbytery of Cincinnati
Ron and Ardelle Redder
Roselawn Lutheran Church
Sacred Heart Church
s.Anthony of Padua Church
s.Anthony Friary
s.Columban Church
s.Francis Seminary
s.Henry Church
s.Joseph Church
s.Martin de Porres Church
s.Susanna Church
s.Timothy Church
s.Veronica Church
Sarah and George Arnold II
Schumacher-Dugan Development
Schumacher Racing
Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur
Sportsman Night Club
Stambaugh Incorporated
Stimuli Incorporated
Susan F. Glassmeyer
The Works Restaurant
Trefzger Products for Professionals
Tweddell Wheeler Strickland Beumer, AIA
United Dairy Farmers
Ursuline Academy
Ursulines of Brown County
Xavier University
Xomox Corporation